This Fashion Revolution Week we have caught up with some thinkers within sustainable fashion who we have long admired. 8 years on from Rana Plaza, we talk to them about how sustainable fashion is changing, their own personal journeys and what the future might hold.
Tamara Cincik

What first inspired you to get involved with the sustainability movement in fashion?
I have been vegan for over 28 years and I never shot fur when I was a stylist, to me this has always been a part of how I live and what I do.
It is not binary, it is a thread through all of my life: from buying secondhand clothes when I was still at school, to what I eat, what I wear, how I work.
How far do you feel the fashion industry has progressed towards sustainability?
It is at step 3 of a 10 step plan.
What everyday advice can you give consumers who want to make their own engagement with fashion more sustainable?
What everyday advice can you give consumers who want to make their own engagement with fashion more sustainable?
Ask more questions and engage the brands you buy from in those conversations: big or small, they want your business and repeat custom.
What are the biggest changes that the industry needs to make to stay relevant in the 2020s?
Working towards net zero and being more inclusive. The old school model of an exclusive, unwelcoming sector is redundant, we have to attract, retain, communicate and sustain.
How can those in the industry pressurize politicians and governments to make fashion sustainability a legal and lasting requirement?
By being an Fashion Round Table Member and engaging with our work.
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