Meet the Designer: Wild Clouds
We are so excited to be working with the wonderful London based Wild Clouds. We caught up with founder Franny to discover more about how the brand came about and what is coming up soon.
What inspired you to start Wild Clouds?
Since a child I have always been interested in nature and the environment, and during my adult working life it became very obvious things needed to change. Having worked in luxury fashion supply chain for 10 years I grew disenchanted with poor sustainability practices across supply chains and decided to start researching, learning and implementing best sustainable practices where I worked. Outside of work, the day came when I couldn’t find clothing that was well designed in unique prints that met my sustainability standards - so I decided to create my own. Staying true to my principles and using my 15 years of retail supply chain experience, I created the most sustainable and ethical product I could locally to my home in South London.

Can you tell us a bit about production - what fabrics do you use, and why do you use them and where are the pieces made?
We use a fab blend of organic cotton and linen, which is warm in the winter and cool in the summer, and also quick drying (perfect when I go paddle boarding in my fav trousers), the fabric also gets better with age, and is super soft! We chose organic cotton and linen as both require a lot less water than regular cotton, and also linen is very hard wearing which is an important quality when you're to make clothing that will last years.
Our clothes are all made in South London, by the lovely Tatiana and team, they are just a few minutes from my house so I'm there lots and we have such a great relationship.
Your trademark whimsical prints are so beautiful, can you tell us a bit about them?
I love all things weird and wonderful, particularly creatures (living and mythical) so naturally when I started to work on my prints they were all inspired by nature and mythology. And of course all designs are pretty colourful and bold, which is my happy place.

Why was making Wild Clouds sustainable so important to you?
I think it's really important we look after the planet and I know first hand the damage the fashion industry causes. Buying less often, buying second and only buying what you need are the rules I now live by, but sometimes when we do need to buy something new and it's important we can find great indi brands making the most sustainable clothing out there. Our mission has always been to create clothing as sustainable as possible (without a huge price tag) as I think it's important to give customers the choice to buy something sustainable and beautiful.
Can you share some of the benefits and some of the challenges of running a small independent brand?
It's a really difficult time, running costs are forever growing and reaching audiences on social media is getting harder. But that aside, there are so many lovely things that happen every day, like chatting to our customers, and the community that you join when running a small and sustainable business, what I didn't realise when I started out was how many inspiring and talented small business owners are out there who are supportive and helpful, and just lovely people (like Steph and Alicia from Gather & See).
What do you have coming up in 2023 for Wild Clouds - hopes and plans for the brand?
We're very excited to be able to launch 2 new products in Spring, in our 3 prints.. watch this space.
And we will be working on a new print, eeeek!